Five things frequent flyers never do…..

I have been traveling the globe for over 20 years and have had all the bad things happen…..delayed and cancelled flights, missed events, re-routed flights, stuck in an airport for days, delayed luggage, lost luggage, running for a connection……. So, why do I still travel???? Even with all the frustrations of flying, I have learned how to decrease my risk, have a back up plan, and roll with the punches. Do flights still get cancelled and luggage lost? Yes. Do I let them ruin my trip? Absolutely not!!!! Avoid these 5 common mistakes and you will be on your way to a better travel experience no matter what happens!

  1. Never fly before the holidays - Traveling for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day Weekend, etc is a recipe for disaster. Millions of people take to the skies and the result is a madhouse in the airports, delayed and cancelled flights, lost luggage, missed flights due to waiting in lines, no rental cars left when you get to the lot……. Sometimes it is unavoidable due to work and schedules. If that is the case, check out my Blog “Surviving Holiday Travel”. If you have a flexible schedule, can work remotely, or can take a few days off, do your best to fly several days or even a week before the holiday and either fly home in the middle of the holiday weekend, or a few days after. Being flexible with your schedule can save you headaches and heartache!

  2. Never book through 3rd party websites - You may think you are getting a better deal on Travelocity or Kayak or Orbits or Priceline, but you are getting the cheapest and most restricted flight with no ability to change your plans and no recourse if there are delays or cancellations. Always book directly with the airline or through a trusted travel agent. Especially in these times of frequent delays and cancellations. If you purchase through a third party website, and there is a problem with the flight, the airline cannot help you and will send you to the third party. The third party will tell you they cannot do anything and will send you back to the airline. You will go round and round in circles of frustration and never get your money back. If you book directly with the airline, they are under contract to get you to your final destination. If you book with a trusted travel agent, they will help you change your flight or get a new one if problems occur because they have a relationship with a representative of the airline who can work magic in the background.

  3. Never have a connection time less than an hour - In my opinion having a connection time less than an hour should be outlawed. People look at the flight connections offered by the airline and think, “if the option with a 30 min connection is available, if must be possible”. WRONG!!! The flight itinerary options are just that, OPTIONS, not recommendations. Did you know that the boarding gate doors close 10-15 min before departure? So, if you have a connection of 30 minutes, you really only have 15 minutes to get from one gate to another…..assuming your first flight is on time. In the larger airports, you might have to change terminals, ride a train, walk/run for half a mile or more to your next gate. Always give yourself an hour or more. Especially if you want to chill in a lounge, grab some lunch, and NOT sprint through the airport just to sit on a plane covered in sweat or miss the flight altogether. ***for international departures, give yourself two hours because they will start boarding an hour before departure.

  4. Never fly the day of - I can’t tell you how many people have missed conferences, speaking engagements, cruises, tours because they thought they would just arrive that morning. Always expect delays with flights and you will never be disappointed. If you really need to be somewhere fly in the day before!

  5. Never skip the travel insurance - This can be a controversial topic because many people have bought travel insurance and found that it did not cover their particular situation. Take the time to read the insurance policy to be sure it covers what you want it to cover or work with a Travel Agent to get the best insurance for you. For international trips, your health insurance will not cover any illness or hospitalizations or any of the expenses of bringing you back home. If you become seriously ill or injured overseas and need to be flown back to your home country emergently for continuing medical care, it can cost up to $50,000 or more to be flown on an air ambulance. Most of us never think about illness and injury while on vacation, but I have dealt with many people who are trapped in a poor quality hospital in a country where there are no qualified surgeons or specialists to perform the procedures they need. Protect yourself with travel insurance!

    BONUS - Never check a bag - I personally do not follow this rule. I like to take my foam roller and my mobility bands and my huge pillow that keeps my neck happy……. Can I travel for two weeks with a roller carry on? Absolutely! Packing light is an art and is highly recommended if you have multiple connecting flights. Losing your luggage is very traumatic and I actually flew with a carry on for a year after my bag was delayed by 4 days while on a work trip. Sure the airline and travel insurance can reimburse you for delays and losses, but who wants to go shopping for essentials and clothes while trying to work or vacation? When I check a bag, I fly nonstop just about everywhere, and if I have a connection, I make sure it is plenty long for them to move my bag from one airplane to another. I also have Apple Air Tags that help me to locate my luggage if lost. If you must check a bag, expect them to lose it for at least 24 hours and always have all your essentials plus a change of clothes in your carry on. See my blog, “What do I pack in my carry on if I have checked luggage?”


What do I pack in my carry on if I have checked luggage?


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