What do I pack in my carry on if I have checked luggage?

Frequent flyers have had luggage delayed, lost or stolen at least once, for some of us, multiple times. This creates an expectation that if I MUST check a bag, it will NOT arrive with me at my destination, especially if there are connecting flights. Being prepared is the key!!!

Many travelers have sworn off checked bags completely and only travel with a carry on. This is highly recommended, but not always possible. Packing light is an entirely different subject and is very doable for most trips if you have the right techniques. However, some travels are complicated with multiple different types of activities requiring multiple changes of clothes and shoes each day. If you are going on a beach holiday and only need shorts, swimsuit and flip flops, a carry on is easy. Also, exploring museums and doing walking tours in Europe only requires comfortable active wear each day and maybe one or two nice outfits for going out at night. However, if you are going to a work conference requiring nice clothes for the day and different clothes for the evening and then you are going hiking so you need your hiking boots and one night you will go out dancing, so you bring your dance clothes and shoes……. These items can take up a lot of space and it is more convenient to pack a large checked bag.

First of all, throw an Apple Air Tag or other luggage tracking device into your checked bag so that you can track it and find it if it is on the wrong carousel or was put in an office.

Next, ALWAYS EXPECT YOUR CHECKED LUGGAGE TO BE DELAYED. Pack everything you will need for the first 24 hours of your trip in your backpack or carry on. Don’t just put your computer and charging cables in there. Think through your first 24 hours and make sure that you have the right outfit and shoes and toiletries to get you through!

Here is a sample list:

  • phone charger

  • computer charger

  • watch charger

  • plug adaptors (international)

  • underwear

  • socks

  • pajamas

  • shoes for 24 hours of activity

  • change of clothes or two

  • raincoat or jacket

  • toothbrush

  • face wash and moisturizer

  • favorite shampoo and conditioner

  • deodorant

  • makeup

  • shaving kit

  • prescription medication

  • allergy meds

  • vitamins and supplements

Another way to decrease risk of luggage being lost is to book nonstop flights. Most bags are lost during a flight connection, especially if the connection is less than an hour!

What else do you pack in your carry-on??? All suggestions welcome!


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